Magic Arm: Put Your Collar Up EP

PaisleyTunes has been a fan of Jim Noir (AKA: Alan Roberts) since the beginning of time. Of course we follow his tweets, don’t even joke around. So, when perpetually melodramatic Noir announced via Twitter that he would no longer be making music because of Magic Arm – well, I thought either: A) Magic Arm is the […]

Starship Amazing: The Robot Trilogy

When society finally reaches its pinnacle, the planets will align and we, as a people, will admit that Super Mario should be our president. Colors will become brighter, cheerful electronic sounds will percolate through the pink glowing atmosphere, and Starship Amazing shall be anointed Poet Laureates. Many say it’s impossible. A few think it has already happened. […]

Jim Noir: The End

The belated February exclusive for Jim Noir has been released. Another 6-track EP full of new and interesting studio-science creations. Beginning with Intero as a gentil warm-up to the omnipresent Horses With Insurance that lays a heavy organ drum combo, not unlike some of his earlier musings. I Am You Are lands the spaceship onto Planet Noir […]

Jim Noir: Helicopters Left

Jim Noir’s January EP, Helicopters Left Jim’s albums continue to do a better and better job of filling my living room with a pleasant jazzy-trite white noise. The kind of noise I like noticing I’ve been listening to for the last three hours, like my Nicola Conte collection, except less expensive. However, Helicopters Left seems to […]

Bears: Greater Lakes

Bears is a band that could have easily come from Palo Alto rather than Cleveland. They are a nerdy looking bunch and a few of the songs sound as if they were recorded in the back room of a party, similar to The Boston Tea Party’s Cold Weather, 40 Minutes and Beer sessions. But, nowadays, who doesn’t […]