In 1951, while humanity vicariously ventured to the heights of the universe, under the wand’rin’ stars it’s terrestrial half constructed the heart and soul of one of the most influential moments in entertainment history which would ultimately define 1969 as a year that produced one of man’s greatest stories of Boom, Bust, Bigamy, & Brotherhood. […]
Category: Video
Mark Mothersbaugh: The Lego Movie
Everything is Awesome, except maybe that song. Maybe. With stunning stop-motion-esque digital animation, almost every Lego character we know and love, comes to live with the same yellow-headed always-happy-go-lucky personas we’ve manufactured for ourselves. The world abounds with serialized parts, new and old, ubiquitous and rare. Water flows and buildings crumble same as if they […]
John Darnielle: Short Song for Justin Bieber’s Paparazzi
The readers of the PaisleyJournal are most likely not tracking the day to day affairs of Justin Bieber. I, for one, hold everything produced by the tabloids at arms length, with two pinched & horrified fingertips, as if disposing of some rank and bloody maggot infested carcass. I cannot stand the soul-sucking leaches and whorish media trolls […]
Wes Anderson: Moonrise Kingdom
Last night I was lucky enough to join a few friends for the Boston/Cambridge Premiere of Wes Anderson‘s new film, Moonrise Kingdom, at Cambridge’s very own Brattle Theater. While it’s odd not to see a Wilson brother in the film (Anderson’s first movie to forgo all three), he instead reached out to another first family […]
The Play, Cal v. Stanford: 1982
You know, sometimes when im sitting around listening to music – deciding what is worth putting on the blog – I think, maybe a the people want to see a video instead. So today, just for your viewing enjoyment, I am putting up perhaps the greatest moment in sports history… more beautiful than Jessie Owens […]
Paint Your Wagon: Greatest Musical of All Time?
Once you get past Maria (pronounced mar-eye-ah), possibly one of my least favorite songs on earth, 1969’s Paint Your Wagon should be considered “one of the greatest musicals of all time”. Take this clip for example: Now, some people don’t like California as much as the rest of us, but it seems to me that Lee […]