Dan Blakeslee (AKA Doctor Gasp): Halloween Special

It’s fall at the Tunes’ Eastern Headquarters. Brrrrrrrr.

That means the leaves are turning Paisley, everything formally delicious will, for the next six months, have sweet potatoes or yams on it, and yours-truly is actively making plans to escape before winter sets in.

However, it also means that it’s time to listen to Dan Blakeslee‘s halloween recordings and attempt to see as many of his 2012 Misshapen Jackolantern Tour shows as possible!

Misshapen Jackolantern as seen from space.

I ran into Dr. Gasp after the Ghosts of Boston: Haunts of the Hub book opening party at The Old South Meeting House, of Tea Party fame (the 1773 Tea Party – not the “I can see Russia” Tea Party).

The evil doctor lamented the difficulty to plan a tour based on dark folkloric imagery and spoke of his great distaste for outdoor shows in the dead of winter.

Of course, without his mask Dr. Gasp reverts to his everyday-man alter ego, illustrator & musician, Dan Blakelsee, who I have discovered is very well known and even more well loved in the greater New England community.

Blakeslee has indicated to the PaisleyEditors that he is in the very early exploratory stages of planning a West Coast tour and, of course, we wholeheartedly encouraged him, offering up, for his use, the Berkeley & Santa Cruz Recording Studios.

To get his foot into our western door, he has recorded a tribute celebrating the slow death of our very own John Clark (Clap?):


OK, the video isn’t actually about our JC. Anyway, if you happen to be wandering by Uncharted Gallery in Lowell, MA this Friday, the 5th, stop in around 8pm and say ‘hi’ to Doctor Gasp, Dan Blakeslee, and whoever else may be there. Just remember:

Don’t eat the fish.

And now you know.


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1 thought on “Dan Blakeslee (AKA Doctor Gasp): Halloween Special

  1. NOOOOO!! Don’t eat the fish!

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