Calexico: Algiers

Speaking of Tucson… …wait, we weren’t?

Speaking of Tucson, Calexico has released a new album that is yippy-skippy fantastic, and in addition they have included a live version of the entire record as a bonus. The bonus disc, entitled Spiritoso, was recorded a long way out of Tucson, during the bands 2011 European tour, while they were touring with a full symphonic orchestra in Vienna & Potsdam.

What I’m Listening To Today:

Calexico: Algiers.

Check out Fortune Teller if you’re a fan of The Shins, Splitter if you’re a fan of the boss, Bruce Springsteen, or watch this National Geographic video if you’re just a regular ol’ fan of Tucson, AZ.


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1 thought on “Calexico: Algiers

  1. Is it just me, or is this album a really new sound for them? I always used to think of them as much more latin big band….? Confused.

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