Orgone Accumulators: An Aleatorial Mathematical Approach to Deciphering the Radio Broadcasts of Ancient Astronauts

All this Penguin talk reminded me of another kooky band that covered Walk Don’t Run, the Orgone Accumulators.

As some of you may know, the Accumulators don’t actually make music, they mearly capture and translate alien signals being broadcast from the Sirius constellation to a “shadowy creature lurking in the depths of Loch Ness”. Consider their work a public service which allows you, the non-alien creature, to enjoy what was surely meant for a techno-surf lovin’ sea-monster.

Anyway, check out their latest work: An Aleatorial Mathematical Approach to Deciphering the Radio Broadcasts of Ancient Astronauts.


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0 thoughts on “Orgone Accumulators: An Aleatorial Mathematical Approach to Deciphering the Radio Broadcasts of Ancient Astronauts

  1. Why is this music so wee-ahd?

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