George Wilton Ballard: I’m Going Back to California

After being poo-pooed by certain members of the blog I decided to take an extra day off..  yet even on my bonus day of rest, I came across some music that is worthy of being mentioned.

I’ll be back in California next weekend and to celebrate I’m posting an amazing old cylinder recording of George Wilton Ballard singing I’m Going Back to California.

Hopefully this post will cheer people up a bit.

The song was released in various forms in the early 1900s and the recording posted is from 1917. It was published by Edison Records on their new Blue Amberol technology. Blue Amberol, invented in 1912, allowed records of up to 4 minutes in length, double that of the wax cylinders they had been designed to replace.

George Wilton Ballard and Chorus: I’m Going Back to California (1917):

Piano Sheet Music: Ernest R. Ball & J. Keirn Brennan Version: I’m Going Back to California: That’s Where I Belong (1916).


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