It has been over three months since I stumbled into this song on the almighty Bandcamp and I have yet to think of anything to say, except that it is sublime. And now you know.
Frenchbraid: Black Tears

Sunshine For Your Ears
It has been over three months since I stumbled into this song on the almighty Bandcamp and I have yet to think of anything to say, except that it is sublime. And now you know.
Some people go through life erecting informational barriers, filtering their otherwise unobstructed lifetime flow of knowledge & experience into reduced, albeit organized, columns of easily digestible & cataloged, binary stacks: This stack is good, this stack is bad; I’ll eat red food, I won’t eat blue food; These songs are sunshine for my ears, these […]
They say its going to feel like 109° today in Cambridge, MA. And – as I have a pile of CDs waiting for me now that I’m back from the lovely West Coast – the ridiculous weather is pushing me straight towards the Brian Lopez albums that arrived from a baking Tucson, AZ (115° today). I requested […]
I recently rediscovered this band. I can’t figure out why they ever left my regular rotation, too much other music to play I guess. The Rosebuds are another North Carolina band, we’ve had a few of those on here lately. There must be something in the tobacco down there. Formed in 2001, they sound a […]