Andy Davis: Heartbreak Yellow

I just happened to hear a few of Andy Davis’ songs recently and thought, for a moment, that I was listening to a new A.J. Croce album. Davis is, in fact, his own person.

His second album, Heartbreak Yellow, is cheerful and poppy, perhaps best suited for driving through a sunny mall parking lot. While Davis’ Winter Loop is edgy as a sponge cake, it remains catchy in a condescending kinda way. Story Just Starting is my favorite off the album and is perhapsĀ the purest exercise in song writing by Davis to date. The title track would fit as a Ben Folds B-side and showcases Davis’ vocal abilities, but most likely won’t make it out of the Starbucks lobby.

I have no doubt that a few of our members will want to stay far away from this album, yet a handful may actually enjoy it.

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0 thoughts on “Andy Davis: Heartbreak Yellow

  1. I actually thought I would be a person to like this album upon reading your post, but I actually found it to be quite pop-cheesy. Fun to have different kinds of music, though!

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