Over the past few years the writers and critics here at PaisleyTunes have observed significant trending within the song writing community.
In 1999, spooked by the accidental keytar death of British puppeteer Christine Glanville, PaisleyTunes has witnessed musicians erratically circling modern song-writing, searching for sustenance while staring at the carryon of the disemboweled electronica below. As the new century came and the aughts turned into teens, artists have slowly found their calling and are flocking, high above our heads, to the nesting place of music in rhythm, melody, and stage presence.
In observance of this movement, we’ve attempted to take aim and capture the migration, yet our current guise is more startling than participatory and our gaze has been but into the sun. So, in order to better meet the growing expectations of our readers we’ve chosen to restructure our critical blind.