Jupiter One: Sunshower

Finding new music is not always a straight forward experience, sometimes it requires a little bit of reverse engineering.

Take, for example, the previous PaisleyPosts on Attila, The Last Names, and (future post) Giant Giant Sand, bands that are tangentially connected to Billy Joel, Bishop AllenHowie Gelb & (more recently) Brian Lopez. The tracing of creative overlap amongst the worlds musical establishment paints a fascinating portrait revealing the movements within a secret league of artists.

While The Slip‘s transition into The Barr Brothers is a rather straight forward affair, someone like Howie Gelb & his group Giant Sand proves quite a bit more perplexing, additional band names crop up like Puncturevine in the Arizona desert, cultivating a Warholian/Reedian environment in which, depending on who is in the room, we discover a band built through local association.

Anyway, by following The Slip back in my Phish days I was aware that Brad & Andrew had started to call themselves The Barr Brothers. When they came to Brighton Music Hall I was introduced to, the now well known, Kishi Bashi. Before K Ishibashi was Kishi, he was a member of Jupiter One, a band formed with Zac Colwell, and bandmates Dave Heilman, Pat Doughery, and Ishibashi’s wife Mocha.

Ultimately, Jupiter One is a great band and I will happily pick up the remainder of their catalog in the near future. Sadly, with the success of Kishi Bashi, Jupiter One has been put on hold while K tours. Meanwhile, Zac & Dave have split off, creating a new act known as Fancy Colors.

And thus, the web of musicians & bands expands a little further, and the ears of the world smile a little more broadly.

And now you know.


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1 thought on “Jupiter One: Sunshower

  1. My ear-smiling is definitely broadening. And now my headphones don’t fit.

    And now you know.

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