Fishin’ Hole Theme – 1960

Boob-tube hero Andy Griffith has died today.

Griffith stood tall as a model citizen and right as a compassionate and firm hollywood father. We will miss him but will never forget the purpose his show gave Herbert W. Spencer, Earle Hagen, and Everett Solane and the resounding impact of their collaborative endeavor on generations, far beyond those who know the name Opie and Deputy Barney Fife.  This is the legacy that echoes through these PaisleyWalls on every fresh as lemonade sunny day for whistling like a fool.

Andy, you will be missed, but your anthem will live on… through this cockatiel.


Fishin’ Hole Theme (1960) – Music: Herbert W. Spencer & Earle Hagen; Lyrics: Everett Solane


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