James Rustad: Discography

A little over a month ago Stabarific and I threw a party. I think it was an early birthday celebration at which we sampled three or four different whiskeys and about 20,000 beers… or something like that.

Our midnight ghost hunt not withstanding, the greatest surprise of the evening came during a mesmerizing impromptu performance by one of our guests: the unflappable and multi-talented, Dr. James Rustad.

Upon my return to beantown, I happened upon his most recent EP, Piranha. The album had wound its way to me via several friendly helpers and was on my desk, tactfully nestled between a pile of candy and the current issue of Beer Advocate, I couldn’t possibly overlook it. After running through the album a few times and exploring Rustad’s website I’ve discovered he is the creator of many sparkling gems worthy of being vibrated into your ear canals.

His self-released music spans from 2003-2010 and encompasses several genres, though it leans mostly towards loosey-goosey ska-pop. The lyrics are clever and arrangements impressive; many of the tunes reminiscent of Oregon’s own Johnny Flash, early Casiotone for the Painfully Alone, or pre-2000 Mountain Goats. While the EPs tend to lack the polish & sonic depth that accompanies top-shelf recording studios, Rustad overcomes the technological shortcomings with persistent talent and brute charm.

I am now looking forward to our next party with a greater anticipation then whiskey alone can provide.

By the way, Redheadrenee, you should buy James a Kaossilator as a late May Day present. I’m sure he could find many uses for it in a future recording session.

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  1. Which beer was your favorite?

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  2. Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale.

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