The Shins: Port of Morrow [Bonus Tracks]

I mistakenly left these six tracks out of the original review (two B-Sides and four acoustic takes). And I’ll just put it out there, I think these bonus tracks are the tops.

The tracks include some great acoustic stuff, simple, charming, perfect little tunes.

A musicians artistic vision must trump total inclusiveness and, plainly speaking, this is the reason that adding bonus tracks makes so much sense. We get to hear songs that didn’t make the cut, as well as stripped-down solo versions that project far more raw emotion and portray crystal clear melodic expression.

Aside from the three acoustic takes off Port of Morrow, we are also treated to an acoustic Young Pilgrim from 2003’s Chutes Too Narrow. Check it out, this bonus is gilded shiny and beautiful.

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0 thoughts on “The Shins: Port of Morrow [Bonus Tracks]

  1. Ah, the lost art of melody . . .

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  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVED these tracks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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