Paul McCartney: Kisses On The Bottom

McCartney hits a home run with his new album, Kisses On The Bottom, the sound is lightyears ahead of the garbage-rock work he did on 1971’s Ram. I’m not sure why I compare the two albums… I guess I just enjoy complaining about Ram any chance I can get.

The McCartney-as-lounge-singer motif is perfect: a distinguished statesmen, charming all the kiddies, handing out flowers. Why not. McCartney vs. Sinatra? Paul in a landslide. We know his past, The Beatles dominated, and now we know he can put away over a dozen easy singing standards. He even threw in a couple originals.

I can’t help but feel nostalgic listing to The Inch Worm, a song I remember from my childhood. Listening to McCartney sing it on this album feels just right to me.

I highly recommend listening.

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0 thoughts on “Paul McCartney: Kisses On The Bottom

  1. Not what I thought it was going to be, but smooooooooooooth.

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    1. Like molasses or lemon curd? I must listen…

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