In 2010, Of Monsters and Men managed to win the Icelandic “musical experiments” competition: Músíktilraunir, becoming just the second band in the competition’s 29 year history to win with a name Americans can actually understand (previous winners include Dáõadrengir and Soõin Fiõla).
Naturally this probably means that they will be a smash hit in the US, perhaps aided by the fact that Rolling Stone magazine recently dubbed them the next Arcade Fire and the Icelandic Mumford & Son.
Their first album, My Head is an Animal, seems to already be a success – that is to say that – I like it. So, quick like a flash, listen to this album and be the first of your friends outside Capitol Hill to friend Of Monsters and Men on G+.
These guys sound like those guys that sing – “Ala-bama-ark-an-sazz.” – Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeros?
I was JUST about to post about this band…..Paisleytunes wins AGAIN!!!! (and yes, I agree the Magnetic Zeros + Mumford…)
Sounds like someone is holding out on us. one-percenter.